According to a study published in the journal Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, cannabis consumption may produce a protective effect against ...
July, 2019
15 July
Researchers Explain How Marijuana Has Different Effects on People
Researchers at Western University in Ontario conducted a study to determine why marijuana can make one person happy while another paranoid. ...
14 July
Judge Allows Canadian to Possess Up to 2.2 Lbs of Medical Marijuana
The Canadian Federal Court has granted a medical marijuana patient permission to possess up to 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of marijuana ...
13 July
Pharma-Tech Company Launches New Medical Marijuana Inhaler
The Israeli pharma-tech company Syqe Medical has released a new non-combustion inhaler for medical marijuana users. The inhaler delivery system offers ...
12 July
Cesar Milan and Mike Tyson Partner to Make CBD Pet Treats
The Ranch Companies, founded by Mike Tyson, has joined forces with world-renowned canine behaviorist, Cesar Millan, to launch a line of hemp-based functional ...
11 July
U.S. Lawmakers Hold Historic Hearing to Discuss Cannabis Legalization
The U.S. House Judiciary Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee held a hearing on July 10th to discuss various legislative proposals ...
8 July
CBD Reduces Anxiety and Improves Sleep, Clinic Trial Concludes
A clinical trial published in The Permanente Journal found that plant-derived CBD (cannabidiol) is associated with reduced anxiety and improved sleep quality. ...
6 July
Israeli Prime Minister to Support Recreational Marijuana Law
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is up for re-election and is expected to support a bill to create a recreational marijuana ...
5 July
University Offers Nation’s First Master’s Program in Cannabis
The School of Pharmacy at the University of Maryland Baltimore is now offering a Master of Science degree in Medical Cannabis ...
3 July
More Veterans Choosing Medical Marijuana Over Alcohol, Prescriptions
According to a new study published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, veterans that participate in a state-legalized medical marijuana ...